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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-09
A Practical Analysis of Iranian Traditional Music
Mansoor Habibdoost
Published: Sept. 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2016.v04i09.015
Pages: 1059-1063
The analysis of Radif as the essence of Iranian (Persian) traditional music paves the way to composition based on the elements of this music. Among the various analysis methods, the formalistic one which identifies the elements forming the structure of an art work in details and generalities is preferred. The principles of such an analysis method can be clearly taught while are helpful for learning composition. However, some analysists believe in the formalistic analysis except Western art movements, is incompatible with the other arts especially the traditional ones such as Radif. since its final result only is the extraction of the elements and neglecting the inside themes about cultural beliefs which are very important in traditional arts. In this article, after introducing the important thoughts about the analysis of Radif and reviewing their results, through the practical analysis of Gusheh Avaz in Dastgah Mahour, the principles of an acceptable formalistic analysis in Iranian traditional music will be drawn.