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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-5 | Issue-05
Association between time and mortality of patients admitted from Emergency Department to Intensive Care Unit
Hatice Topcu, Dogac Niyazi Ozucelik, Akkan Avci, Banu Karakus Yilmaz, Murat Koyuncu
Published: May 26, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 117-122
Increasing patient population and refunds for hospital based health services lead over admissions to hospitals
and emergency departments (ED). Increased patient ED admissions thus increased time-spend in ED and over-crowded
ED, raised importance of differentiating more critical patients in ED’s. The files of patients with different types of
complains that consult to emergency service and then transferred and treated in intensive care units of Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi
Konuk Training and İnvestigating Hospital in between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2011 are investigated
retrospectively. 380 patients whose planned datas are attained are included in this study. The waiting time in emergency
services to be transferred to intensive care units is evaluated to be able to show the mortality rates of intensive care units.
The time between admission and transfer to intensive care unit is significantly higher for the patients that die (1,3 ± 356,5
min, 6 hr approximately) than the patients survive (237,8 ± 263,9 min, 4hr approximately). Correlatively the age of
paitents that die is also significantly higher (61,5± 19,6) then the patients survive (43,0 ± 22,4) as established in this
study. When the waiting time between the admission to ED and transfer to the intensive care unit is higher than 351
minute(5 hour and 51 minute), it leads to the high possibility of patient mortality. Briefly this study conclude that; the
patient mortality significantly decreases when the patients’ transfer to intensive care units is done in a short time without
any delay.