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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-09
Assessment of Reading Comprehension Functioning Level of Class Three Pre-Lingually Deaf Learners in Kenya
Ogutu Tobias Adera, Kochung Edwards J., Adoyo Peter Oracha, Matu Peter Maina
Published: Sept. 30, 2016 | 328 230
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2016.v04i09.024
Pages: 1163-1171
Learners in different countries are currently being taught language at their functioning level irrespective of their grade levels. District English Evaluation Tests in Kenya indicate that Class Three prelingually deaf learners are being taught English above their functioning level. However, the results did not show the learners’ functioning level in reading comprehension. The purpose of the current study was to assess the learners’ functioning level in reading comprehension. Theory of Syntax by Noam Chomsky which holds that learners acquire language by mastering the vocabulary and structure of the target language was adapted and used. The study employed evaluative and qualitative research designs. The population consisted of 337 Class Three prelingually deaf learners and 65 Class Three English teachers. Multi-Stage sampling technique was used to select 178 Class III prelingually deaf learners while purposive sampling technique was used to select 16 Class III English teachers. Data was collected using a questionnaire and a reading comprehension test.