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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-12
The Status of the Arabic Language in the Lyrics of Hafez
Nasser Ghasemi Rozveh, Zeynolabedin faramarzi, Fattane Mehdipour
Published: Dec. 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2016.v04i12.006
Pages: 1507-1512
Persian poets mostly when influenced by other language, they wrote their ideas in the style of that language. In that era the intellectual language was Arabic, then the poets accustom with Arabic poem’s rhyme and meters, and compose good odes and sonnets on that style. Hafez is one of biggest poets in the first mid of eighth century, he uses the purports, ideas and statement was written by best Arabian poets and prior Persian poets. He rewrite them and add beauty to his odes. One reason of immortality of Hafez and his poems was getting infusion of holy Quran and Prophet Muhammad’s (pub) words. He not only was memorized the Quran but also was able to research in it. He knows the rhetoric knowledge and miracle of Quran and was habitué with that’s interpreted and he mentioned to this in his sonnets frequently .In order to deep intellectual, literary and artistic dependency of Hafez to holy Quran, we can understand his complexity of his language and poems easily. This article uses the descriptive- analysis method to study the Hafez’s Arabic knowledge and the influence of Arabic language in the understanding his sonnets.