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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-02
Teacher Education in Modern Scenario: Issues and Their Remedies
Ms. Ruchi Mittal, Ms. Ritika Dabas
Published: Feb. 28, 2017 | 360 245
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2017.v05i02.005
Pages: 90-94
Teaching is a profession and teacher education is a process of professional preparation of teachers. Preparing one for a profession is an arduous task and it involves action from multiple fronts. Teachers themselves should know what they know and they should use that knowledge to make new knowledge and to continually reconstruct their professional understanding. Teacher educators are found to construct their knowledge from and with teacher’s personal practical knowledge and understanding of their professional knowledge contents. Teacher educators need to have a very broad knowledge base, which traditionally has been thought of as base in both theory and practice. A distinction is made between knowledge of theory and practice and knowledge of context. This contextual knowledge is seen as an essential part of the teacher educator’s knowledge, located in the ‘real’ world where the theory and practice articulate. Thus, teacher education has a crucial role in preparing teacher educators. In fact, it becomes a core condition to ensure high proficiency and quality of teacher education. Thus, effective teacher education anticipates effective teacher educator. This article focuses on the value that teacher education adds to the prospective teacher’s ability to face challenges of facilitating the development of critical and creative students and subsequently adults. Global ideas are to be taken into the context to visualize the role of teacher and shaping the teacher education. This would definitely lead to innovations leading to renovating teacher education.