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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-04
Examining Factors That Contribute Towards Low Morale Amongst Teachers in Bikita District, Zimbabwe
Tazivei Dondofema
Published: April 30, 2017 | 340 238
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2017.v05i04.001
Pages: 254-261
The aim of the present study is to assess the factors that contribute towards low morale among teachers in Bikita District. The population comprised of all the teachers in the district which has a teacher population of 1800 teachers made up of 1200 teachers in the primary sector and 600 teachers in the secondary sector. A sample of 300 teachers with 200 coming from the primary and 100 from the secondary school sector was selected using simple random sampling. The study employed the quantitative methodology and made use of the descriptive survey design. The questionnaire was used as the instrument for collecting data. The study revealed that the major factors that contributed to low teacher morale were poor salaries, heavy teaching loads above the official teacher-pupil ratio, closed climates, poor accommodation, long distances to the main roads and exclusion from policy formulation. The study recommends that the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education should improve the salary level of teachers and other related conditions of service towards boosting morale.