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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-04
Impacts of Hinduism in Medieval Manipuri SSociety and Culture
Nunglekpam Premi Devi
Published: April 30, 2017 | 380 236
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2017.v05i04.009
Pages: 332-342
The purport of this paper is to explore the impacts given by the Hindu religion in transforming and trans creating the Meetei indigenous religious beliefs in Manipur, its growth of ideas, rituals and beliefs, its usages in important factors of royal patronage, tolerant attitude towards the pre-vaishnava (indigenous) religion, Mass conversion of the seven salais/clans into the incantation of vaishnavism, kollu yeikhaiba in 1729 (a systematic suppression of primitive Sanamahi religion, buried and destroyed sylvan deities), Puya meei thaba or burning down of entire Meetei sacred books which were collected from in the hands of scholars and religious in 1732 and the mode of preaching, receptiveness of the people particularly the Brahmins, external influences intelligently channelized through the ruling house and the influence of the varna order, that the Hindu religion is so wedded to daily life in the medieval Manipuri society. This research study will analysis the major transformations in the cultural base with the emergence of Hinduism in Manipur in dance, literature, architecture, songs, music and drama, within the context of a synthesis or assimilation of native literary, legendry and historical materials in which the prevailing culture underwent assimilation and projected further in the post-Hindu traditional performances of Manipur.