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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-04
Teachers’ Involvement in Adapting Learning Environment in Regular Primary Schools in Siaya County, Kenya
Odeny Michel O. Lumumba, Adoyo Peter Oracha, Odeck Aloyce Ayungo
Published: April 30, 2017 | 363 231
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2017.v05i04.015
Pages: 379-392
Inclusive education is a process that involves the transformation of regular schools to become inclusive in nature. One of the indicators for an inclusive learning environment is curriculum differentiation which is a strategy to address the diverse learning needs of the learners. National special needs education policy framework, 2009 emphasizes the promotion of quality, relevant and holistic education in all learning institutions for learners with special needs. This is to uphold the principle of learner – centered curriculum and responsive learning systems and materials. This can be realized when teachers are involved in curriculum differentiation to ensure that learning tasks are commensurate to the needs of every learner to enhance their effective participation in the learning activities. Studies have however, established that few regular schools (10(1.57%)) in Siaya County adapt teaching and learning strategies and even learning resources during instruction to address learners diverse needs.