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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-06
Achieving Sustainable Development in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria: The Imperative of Peace Education
Oladiran Afolabi
Published: June 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2017.v05i06.014
Pages: 615-621
The major goal of this paper is to explore the categorical imperative of Peace Education in the entire process of conflict management, conflict resolution and particularly in bringing about the desired development in the oil producing region of Nigeria. The Niger Delta crisis is undoubtedly a burning issue on the national agenda in Nigeria. The Nigerian state has instituted a number of mechanisms aimed at addressing the crisis; these include the establishment of a Niger Delta Development Board (NDDB) under the 1960 Nigerian Constitution (Order in Council) and the 1963 Republic Constitution, the Oil Mineral Producing Areas Development Commission (OMPADEC) in 1992,the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), created in 2000,the Niger Delta Ministry (NDM), created in 2008 and now the presidential proclamation of amnesty for militant groups. Essentially a historical and survey research, the study made use of data collected form archival sources and social survey to expose the inadequacies inherent in the various governmental efforts at solving the Niger Delta imbroglio. The central argument of this paper is that for enduring peace and sustainable development to be achieved in the Niger Delta there is the immediate need for a systemic and general orientation in the context of peace education. This special exercise would include all stakeholders: the militant groups, the federal government, oil multi-nationals, the governments of all oil producing states and communities, the Niger Delta people and overwhelming majority of Nigerian citizens. It is concluded that peace education for all is a veritable tool for a long lasting solution to the Niger Delta crisis.