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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-06
An Evaluation of the Impact of Non-Monetary Incentives: A Case of Gomo Funeral Services
Caxton Shonhiwa
Published: June 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2017.v05i06.015
Pages: 622-626
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the impact of non-monetary incentives on employee performance amongst employees at Gomo Company, which provides funeral services to its clients. The study consisted of 40 participants who were purposively selected. The study was qualitative and utilised a case study design. Open-ended questionnaires were used to collect the data. The information obtained from the respondents was presented through tables. The study revealed that non-monetary incentives have both negative and positive impact on employee performance. It also revealed that non-monetary rewards were very significant at motivating employees to improve their performance, although they had to be complemented by monetary incentives / rewards if total employee problems were to be effectively solved. The study recommends that Gomo Funeral Services should establish mechanisms for providing non-monetary incentives to its employees. The study also recommends that employees should be consulted before the company decides the nature of non-monetary rewards to offer the employees.