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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-06
Inter-religious Dialogue in Conflict Resolution: A Pragmatic Approach Towards Religious Crisis in Nigeria
OGUNLEYE Adetunbi Richard
Published: June 30, 2017 | 411 1872
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2017.v05i06.018
Pages: 638-643
Various studies have revealed that the most challenging threat against African's social-political and religious sectors today is insecurity. This is due to incessant violent conflicts among political and religious classes. In Nigeria for instance, conflict, in its various forms, is becoming a permanent feature of the country. All efforts, especially theoretical solutions, at resolving the crisis in the past have proved abortive. This paper therefore aims at presenting inter-religious dialogue as an alternative and pragmatic approach towards conflict resolution in Africa as a whole and in Nigeria in particular. It also aims at reviewing some religious conflicts in the country, their causes and the ways out. It will then examine the general role that inter-religious dialogue can play in engendering societal peace, harmony and development in Nigeria. Since everybody in a given community belongs to one religion /ideology or the other, it is believed that inter-religious dialogue is capable of bringing together people of different belief systems in an atmosphere of love and respect for one another’s faith in order to solve their burning issues of life. The paper employs both primary and secondary research methods and the result/findings have shown that the causes of conflicts are multi-dimensional. Thus, if inter-religious dialogue is embrace as a veritable means of conflict resolution then, peace, which is the desire of many people shall be attained and meaningful development will also be realized.