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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-07
An Analytical Study of R. N. Tagore’s Philosophy of Environment
Ms. Bhabani Saharia
Published: July 31, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2017.v05i07.013
Pages: 727-732
In the proposed research work attempt has been made to analyze Rabindranath Tagore’s Philosophy of environment. In spite of not having any formal knowledge on philosophy on environment he had a keen philosophical view on environment. Man- nature relationship is the key point of his philosophy of environment. He realized the intuitive and mutual bond between him and nature. He could feel the pulse of nature; could feel the pain of nature. He had immense love and respect for nature. He valued nature intrinsically. He considered himself as a part and parcel of the entire environment. Here discussion is carry on concentrating on the three main aspects; his perception of homely and natural environment, his attitude to development and the measures taken by him to protect and preserve the natural environment. The central aim of this research work is to meet the challenging situation of natural environment through the help of some of his significant writing from philosophical perspective. This is completely an analytical study; collected data from both the sources, primary and secondary and analyze accordingly. Side by side compare the collected data according to the demand of the situation.