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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-10
Missing Women: A Picture of Indian Parliament
Hussain Dilshi, Hussain Danish
Published: Oct. 30, 2017 | 379 268
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2017.v05i10.016
Pages: 1411-1416
Gender discrimination has always been a part and parcel of Indian society. There has been significant social, economic and cultural progress of the society in the last century still discrimination, biasness and inequality against women persists. Women in every field have to face the reality of discrimination either it be in education, employment, health or politics. Missing women is the concept developed by Novel Laureate Amratya Sen to show decreasing number of girls. In true sense there is Missing Women in every field like literacy, employment and political participation. Gender discrimination in political participation is very prevalent and visible in India. Democracy is that it should be participatory and representative in nature but in case of India, women participation as voters is increasing while their representation as parliamentarians is still low. As the political arena is dominated by males, and it is the males who make the rules and define the standard for assessment of political processes, it leads to less participation by women. Women political participation in India reveals that there is significant increase in number of female voters and number of female in election campaigning but when it comes to their representation in Parliaments, their presence is very low. It’s the need of the hours to take positive action in the form of women reservation in parliament to come out with favourable results.