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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-10
Group Leadership and Its Influence on Group Activities among Small-Holder Dairy Self Help Groups in Molo Nakuru County, Kenya
Adrian Wanyonyi Matofari
Published: Oct. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2017.v05i10.023
Pages: 1467-1472
Although a number of studies have been conducted on smallholder dairy farming in Kenya, very few of these have focused on how group leadership influences group activities. The study addressed this issue by determining group leadership influence on levels of milk production. The research design used was survey. The target population comprised of smallholder dairy farmers belonging to self-help groups in Molo sub-county. The study used interview schedule for data collection. Respondents were picked through systematic random sampling from the accessible population. Data was then analyzed using the software package for social sciences. Audiotapes from the focus group discussions were transcribed and analyzed qualitatively using Krueger’s framework analysis method. According to this study group leadership has not helped these groups achieve their objective of increasing levels of milk production. Rather, group leaders seem to hold the groups behind as evidence from the respondents show. Group leaders are faced with setbacks which prevent them from effectively managing the group resources, handling in group conflicts as well as guiding the groups towards achieving increased levels of milk production. There is lack of accountability and transparency from the leaders which has prompted members to lose trust in them and hence this affects their capability to increase their levels of milk production.