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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-10
Case Study Based Methodology of Teaching & Research in Imparting Learning in Social Sciences
A. Lakshmana Rao
Published: Oct. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2017.v05i10.027
Pages: 1505-1509
One of the most crucial aspects of learning is, learning is complex, in case if the content fails to get delivered or difficult to be delivered. When it becomes complex to get delivered the content, a need arises on the part of the instructor, to see that, how the content can be more meaningful and deliverable to the learners, who are interested to get some kind of learning. As long as, the content has not delivered, the question of learning does not arise. Huge amount of steps were taken since time immemorial to keep the learners learned about vary many aspects in different forms. The research in education has crossing its boundaries to adopt new and innovative pedagogical tools. One such tools is “Case Study Methodology”. The present research paper has taken lot of inputs from the literature and aimed to discuss its state in today’s scenario in imparting learning in social sciences disciplines. Further, the current research paper has critically reviewed from various angles the pedagogical tool of case study methodology. Adoption of case study based education is gaining momentum in the field of management education and the trend in Management Education and other fields also analyzed in this research paper. The methodology of imparting learning is changing its boundaries. Aligning the interests groups to the subject is becoming stupendous task on the part of the instructors and accordingly instructors throughout the globe are adopting different innovative ways to keep the interest of learners to the theme. A large number of pedagogical tools adopted to impart learning since ancient times to till today. The present research paper focused on one such pedagogical tool “Case Study Methodology”.