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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-5 | Issue-12
Zinc Sulfate & Curcuma domestica are hepatoprotective agents against acute liver injury model induced by CCl4
Faruk H.Al-Jawad, Ahmed Haqi Ismael, Hasan A. Al- Jezani, Jinan A. Al- Hussaini
Published: Dec. 28, 2016 | 210 133
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2016.5.12.4
Pages: 425-429
The present study was designed to determine the hepato protective activity of well known agents Zinc Sulfate & aqueous extract of Curcuma domestica in experimental model of acute liver injury induced by carbon tetra chloride. The normal levels of serum hepatic enzymes of AST, ALP, ALT and TSB&TSP, were determined in 28 healthy domestic Rabbits allocated to four groups before CCL4 administration & at two occasions in 24, 120 hr after ALI induction by CCL4 and treatment with one of the following ether Zinc Sulfate or the aqueous extract of curcoma domestica for five successive days. Results revealed a significant reduction of AST, ALP, ALT, TSB, levels with a significant elevation of the TSP level of both tested agents measured in 120 hr compared with the control & their levels in 24 hr after inducation. Both tested agents Proved in having hepatoprotective activity when they were given orally in a dose of 20 mg / kg for zinc sulfate and 1gm/kg for Curcuma domestica. The histopathlogical sections of the liver tissue support the real action of both agents on ALI in Rabbits.