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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-3 | Issue-05
The XY Female: A Rare Disorder with Malignant Potential
Himansu Roy, Soma Sarkar, Neha Gupta, Amit Kumar Sil
Published: May 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2015.v03i05.027
Pages: 438-440
A 16 year old female admitted to the hospital with the complaints of primary amenorrhoea and bilateral painless swellings in inguinal region. The clinical examinations and investigations revealed the case as complete androgen insensitivity syndrome. She underwent bilateral gonadectomy with herniotomy. Hormone replacement therapy with psychological counselling was started. The importance of early gonadectomy should be stressed in order to avoid the risk of malignancy.