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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-6 | Issue-04
Papaya Leaf Extract To Treat Dengue: A Review
Ram Pentewar,Shailesh Sharma, Priyanka Kore, Dattatraya Kawdewar, Srushti Somwanshi
Published: April 18, 2017 |
DOI: 10.21276/sajp
Pages: 113-119
In India over the ancient times people used plants to extract plant actives to make drug formulations. In recent
time the less use of herbal formulations due to lack of their standardization. Papaya (Carica papaya linn.) is well known
for its exceptional nutritional and medicinal properties throughout the world. In present review article, an attempt is made
to compile all the strange facts available about this tasty fruit. From the times immemorial, the whole Papaya plant
including its leaves, seeds, ripe and unripe fruits and their juice is considered as nutraceutical fruit due to its multifaceted
medicinal properties. Phytochemically, the whole plant contains enzymes (Papain), lycopene, carotenoids, alkaloids,
monoterpenoids, flavonoids, mineral and vitamins. Dengue is a viral disease that today affects a vast number of people in
over 125 countries and is responsible for a sizable number of deaths. In the absence of an effective antiviral drug to treat
the disease, various treatments are being investigated. Studies have indicated that the juice of the leaves of the Carica
papaya plant could help to increase the platelet levels in these patients. The present article reviews the pharmacological
uses of Carica papaya and side/toxic effects. An herbal medicine being investigated to control the mammoth problem of
dengue is the extract of the leaves of the papaya plant, Carica papaya. In this article, we present a brief overview of
dengue and a review of available literature regarding the use of the papaya leaf extract for the treatment of this condition.