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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-6 | Issue-04
Isolation and Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of Calocybe Indica APK-2
Alfala, S. Alexandar, B. Jaykar
Published: April 22, 2017 |
DOI: 10.21276/sajp
Pages: 120-125
The present study was aimed to Isolate and characterize the active constituents from higher Basidiomycetes
Calocybe Indica Apk-2, an indigenious variety developed by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. Extraction
was done with various solvents like petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, chloroform, methanol and water. Methanolic extract was
found to contain Alkaloids, Carbohydrates, Glycosides, Phytosterols, Terpenoids and Flavonoids. Aqueous extract was
found to contain Protein, Amino acids, Carbohydrates and Glycosides. Methanolic extract was found to have significant
inhibitory activity against Bacillus cereus and Bacillus lentus and moderate effect against other micro organisms.
Aqueous extract was found to have significant activity against pseudomonas and azotogensis and bacillus cereus.
Methanolic extract was subjected to column chromatography to isolate its components and the active compound was
characterised by using spectral analysis.