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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-6 | Issue-04
Screening of Antidepressant Effect of Hydro Ethanolic Extract of Caryoyta urens on Wistar Rats
Pagadala Srinivas, R.S. Shobana, R. Preethi, M. Mohammad Azeem, Jalaludeen, Vijay kumar Pathak, P. Muralidharan
Published: April 26, 2017 |
DOI: 10.21276/sajp
Pages: 139-143
A person’s thoughts, behavior, feelings and sense of wellbeing are important acts for the good sustainable life
in the society and also for the personal life. Low mood, exercise rumination of negative thoughts, misery, apathy and
pessimism, low self-esteem, feeling of guilty adequacy and ugliness ,indecisiveness ,loss of motivation, anhedonia, loss
of reward, these are the symptoms of depression, which is a leading disorder making the human life uncomfortable.
Biologically depression is an extremely common psychiatric condition, about which a variety of neurochemical theories
exist and for which a corresponding variety of different types of drugs are used for treatment. Imbalanced state of
neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and norepihephrine will lead to the depression and anxiety. By evaluation of
traditional claim using modern scientific experimental methods, Aiming to develop a drug obtained from plant origin to
treat depression using various experimental animal models. On the observation, exploratory behaviors of the animals
towards the plant extract with the help of various models involving in the methodology, the antidepressant activity of
chemical constituents present in the plant extract, and on admission of the drug to the experiment animals, conducting the
exploratory methods, found the antidepressant activity in the extract