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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-6 | Issue-04
From Empirical to Scientific: Microbiological Activity of Black Tea Leaves (Camellia sinensis L.) Infusion from Subang Indonesia as Antidiarrhea
Sri Agung Fitri Kusuma, Mohammad Nurzaman, Johar Arifin
Published: April 30, 2017 | 288 201
DOI: 10.21276/sajp
Pages: 144-148
Subang area is one of the largest tea producers in Indonesia with black tea as a product favored of the Indonesian people. Besides being enjoyed as a drink, empirically black tea leaves infusions were used as an efficacious antidiarrheal. This activity revealed with the fact that black tea leaves were contained simple catechins, examples of which are epicatechin (EC), epicatechin gallate (ECG) and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which reported can inhibit the growth of many bacterial species. But differences in place of growth may affect secondary metabolites content and microbiological activity. Therefore, the aimed of this study was to evaluate the microbiological activity of black tea leaves that obtained from Subang Indonesia against Escherichia coli 0157. The extraction of black tea leaves were prepared using an infusion technique. The secondary metabolites of the extract were analyzed using standard method. The antibacterial activity of the infusion was tested using the disc diffusion method. While the determination of minimal inhibition concentration (MIC) test was conducted using macrodillution method, followed by subculturing the overnight incubation of the MIC test onto Mueller Hinton Agar medium surface, for determining the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) value. The results showed that the infusion of black tea leaves had antibacterial activity against E.coli with MIC/MBC ranged at 2.5-5.0%w/v.