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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-3 | Issue-11
Ruptured Pulmonary Hydatid: a rare cause of hemoptysis and Importance of CT scan in Confirmation
Mohd Ilyas, Ghanshyam Dev, Ishtiaq A. Mir, Ishan Gupta, Amit Badgal
Published: Nov. 30, 2015 | 159 166
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2015.v03i11.012
Pages: 1050-1052
We present case report of a 27 year old woman who had infected and ruptured hydatid cyst of the middle lobe of right lung with a large simultaneous non-ruptured hepatic hydatid cyst. Earliest chest radiograph suggested lung abscess but after a course of antibiotic for 10 days, the picture on chest radiograph appeared of a hydatid cyst with detached multiple endo cysts. CT features confirmed the ruptured hydatid cyst communicating with the bronchus and the complimentary upper abdomen scan revealed large hepatic hydatid cyst. The main crux of this case report is that simultaneous hepatic and pulmonary hydatidosis can occur and infected or ruptured hydatid cyst may present as expectoration or hemoptysis and can mislead on chest radiographs, so CT of the chest remains the main modality for the confirmation/evaluation of such doubtful patients.