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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-11 | Issue-03
Humanism as A Way of Life: Close Reading of Lalon Fakir and Bauls of West Bengal
Kathakali Banerjee
Published: March 9, 2023 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2023.v11i03.001
Pages: 43-48
Religious forbearance and fondness for mankind is the central theme of Lalon’s philosophy. Baul tradition has been performing as an important element in creating and developing of aesthetics. Baul songs are essentially contains the elements of Hinduism, Vaishnavism, Islam, Sufism and Buddhism. The Baul community is still now at a swinging stage still they are not considered as an important part of society. The Bauls resides in West Bengal of India and Bangladesh but we all know they are the wanderer. There are three communities which is seen in the source of Baul community of West Bengal. Community is inhabitant of Birbhum, Bankura and Midnapur districts which are situated in the West sides of this state. There is disparity of their songs. The presentation of different singers different and they sing different tune. Sometimes they compose their own lyrics, those lyrics are very much deep and sometimes in their songs we can imagine this society, the different problems they face and most importantly the way society draw their image.The main objective of this research paper is to research on Baul community, their history, their position in the society, Baul philosophy, family relationship cosmic energy, cosmic love and cosmic relation and also a close study of Lalon Fakir and his role in this Baul community to be specific in this society.