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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-6 | Issue-06
Hyphenated Techniques of Drug Analysis
Rageeb Md. Us man, Swap nil R. Badgujar, Tanvir Y. Shaikh
Published: June 24, 2017 |
DOI: 10.21276/sajp
Pages: 263-272
A Hyphenated technique is combination or coupling of two different analytical techniques. Which is used as a
separation techniques and an online spectroscopic detection technology? . The remarkable improvements in hyphenated
analytical methods over the last two decades have significantly broadened their applications in the analysis of
biomaterials, natural products, elemental species, explosives, trace elements, etc. and show specificity and sensitivity. in
this article recent advance application about hyphenated techniques and information about analytical techniques, GCMS,CE-MS, LC-MS, LC-FTIR, LC-NMR, etc. the different areas like forensic science, environment, biotechnology,
geography, pharmaceutical etc. are discussed with appropriate examples for various purpose.