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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-6 | Issue-07
Application of Bio-Surfactants in Cosmetics and Pharmaceutical Industry
Bireswar Bhattacharya, Tarun Kanti Ghosh, Nilimanka Das
Published: July 23, 2017 |
DOI: 10.21276/sajp
Pages: 320-329
Bio-surfactants are a class of surface-active molecules derived from microorganisms (yeast, fungi, bacteria).
This diverse group of surface active molecules possesses both hydrophilic and hydrophobic moieties in their structure
which allows their partitioningin the liquid/liquid, gas/liquid or solid/liquid interfacesresulting into lower interfacial
tension. This facilitates their emulsification, foaming, solubilization, detergent and dispersing functioning. These nontoxic, biodegradable and eco-friendlybio-molecules are competent to replace their chemically synthesized counterparts
and divulge themselves as a green alternative to be applied in the application field of food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical,
petrochemical, bioremediation and others. The chemical composition of bio-surfactants depends on the substrate and the
microorganism present. They are also divided into two large sections based on their molecular weight namely low
molecular weight and high molecular weight bio-surfactants. The high molecular weight bio-surfactants are also known
as bio-emulsifiers. Apart from their well acknowledged surface properties, they are also widely active against a large
number of microorganism and functioning as antimicrobials.Glycolipids are most studied low molecular weight biosurfactants, composed of different carbohydrates linked with fatty acids. They are able to form pores and destabilize
biological membrane thus functioning as antibacterial, antifungal and hemolytic agents.