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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-06
Spectrum of Hereditary Hemolytic Anemia-A Tertiary Care Hospital Based Study
Ranjana Giri, Sweta Susmita, M A Khan, Urmila Senapati
Published: June 30, 2017 | 169 175
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2017.v05i06.057
Pages: 2355-2358
Hereditary hemolytic anemias are broad category of hematological disorders that include hemoglobinopathies, enzymopathies and membrane disorders. Though most of the cases are clinically in apparent still hereditary hemolytic anemias particularly hemoglobin disorders are a considerable health problems in India and contributes significantly to morbidity and motality. These group of anemias have various clinical presentations with symptoms and signs. Failure to thrive, anemia, prostration, jaundice, spleenomegaly, cholelithiasis, cardiomegaly, severe life threatening infections and chronic disabilities leading to distress in the families. An analysis of 135 cases of hereditary hemolytic anemias were done in the present study. On the basis of clinical presentation physical findings, routine hematological investigations and hemoglobin electrophoresis pattern in hemoglobin defects were carried out to identify the type of hemolytic anemias. This clinicohematological study of hereditary hemolytic anemias showed 34(25.1%)cases of G6PD deficiency. The remaining 101(74.9%) cases were having diseases affecting hemoglobin molecule which included 58cases of sickle cell trait,17cases of sickle cell disease,4() cases of sickle beta thalassemias, 2 cases of Hbs/HPFH,16 cases of thalassemia trait and 4 cases of HbEdisorders. Out of 135 patients 75(55.5%) were males and 60 (44.5%)were females(M:F - 1.9:1). All the patients were from Eastern ODISHA. Family history was positive in 15 patients. Hereditary Hemolytic anemias with membrane defects were not observed in this study. Majority of the patients presented with progressive pallor and hepatospeenomegaly. Peripheral blood smear examination showed varied picture like microcytic hypochromic and normocytic normochromic anemias.