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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-6 | Issue-10
Formulation and Evaluation of Pravastatin Sodium Transdermal Patch
Swathi Palepu, Balli Sravanthi, Donthu Hima bindu, Gollapally Venu Kumar, Jonnalagadda Rambabu, T. Satyanarayana
Published: Oct. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2017.6.10.5
Pages: 440-445
The aim of the present study was to formulate and evaluate Pravastatin Sodium
transdermal patch. Pravastatin is a lipid lowering agent, because of its short biological
half life (t1/2, 1-3 hours) only 18% of its dose reaches to the systemic circulation of the
blood on oral administration. Hence it is a suitable drug to formulate into transdermal
form. Transdermal patchs of Pravastatin Sodium was prepared by using different
polymers like HPMC 3000, HPMC K15M,HPMC E5 by solvent casting method. FTIR
study reports have shown that there was no interaction between drug and excipients. The
prepared patches were evaluated for Folding Endurance, Uniformity of weight, Drug
content, Moisture content, In-vitro diffusion study, a series of 12 formulations were
prepared by using different polymers composition in different concentrations among them
F11 formulation prepared by using HPMC K15M was showed satisfactory results with
88.6% of drug release in diffusion studies was found to be suitable for formulating as
transdermal patch in order to increase the bioavailability and to decrease the dosing
frequency of Pravastatin Sodium.