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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-4 | Issue-05
Comparative Study between Intrathecal Nalbuphine and Fentanyl with Hyperbaric Bupivacaine for Postoperative Analgesia in Caesarean Section
Dr. Rajeev Sharma, Rajendra Prasad Jatolia
Published: May 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.21276/sasjm.2018.4.5.1
Pages: 64-68
Intrathecal opioids increase postoperative analgesia “to compare the clinical
and anaesthetic effects between intrathecalnalbuphine and fentanyl with hyperbaric
bupivacaine for post-operative analgesia in caesarean section" Hospital based
interventional prospective study. Sample size was calculated , 55 subjects for each of
two groups at α error 0.05 and power 80% assuming difference to be mean detected in
duration of analgesia in both nalbuphine & fentanyl group( 11±20 ) as per seed article.
110 eligible patients undergoing caesarean section on first come first serve basis and
were allocated in 2 groups using chit in box method. The onset of complete motor block
was significantly more rapid in fentanyl group than in nalbuphine group. The duration
of post-operative analgesia was more prolonged in nalbuphine group. There is
significant difference was found between both groups as regards the duration of sensory
block, motor block, duration of analgesia, No significant difference was found in Apgar
score, hemodynamic parameters and oxygen saturation. Adverse effects were less
common in nalbuphine group but the difference was insignificant. We conclude that
intrathecalnalbuphine 0.8 mg is effective in enhancing postoperative analgesia as
compare to intrathecal fentanyl.