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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-6 | Issue-12
Phytochemical Screening and Antibacterial Activity of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Santalum album Linn
G. Sabari, Amreenkousar, Chandrakrishna J, Harathi G, Mounika L, Akhil K, Satyanarayana T
Published: Dec. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2017.6.12.7
Pages: 523-526
Santalum album Linn is one of the important medicinal plants belonging to the
family Santalaceae. Ayurveda and Unani medicinal systems use it for the treatment of
several ailments. Santalum album Linn has Anti pyretic, Anti helmintic, Anti-microbial,
Hepato protective and Anti-cancer activities. As per World Health Organization many
people are suffering from microbial infections. The present study was designed to
evaluate the anti-microbial activity of Santalum album Linn. The preliminary
phytochemical studies determine the various secondary metabolites like Carbohydrates,
Glycosides, Alkaloids, Phenols and Tannins are present. These aqueous extract was
screened for their antimicrobial activity against B.Subtilis pathogen bacteria by agar cupplate method. These aqueous extract shows significant activity against at 10, 20 and
40µgm/ml. The Activity Index is 0.21, 0.45, 0.86 (B. subtilus) and compared with a
standard drug Ofloxacin. This study gives the way for further studies to elucidate the
other properties of Santalum album