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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-7 | Issue-02
An Overview of Current Treatments of Migraine
Sonia V, Monika T, Rupinder KD
Published: Feb. 28, 2018 |
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2018.7.2.2
Pages: 67-76
The name ‘migraine’ has its origin from the Greek word hemicrania, which
means ‘half of the head’, indicating the main feature of migraine i.e it affects only half
portion of the head. It is the most widespread neurological disorder, characterized by
persistent headache. It is ranked 7th most disabling by World Health Organistaion
(WHO). Migraine affects approximately 15% of the people, affecting women more than
the men. It significantly impacts the quality of life (QOL) of patients. There are mainly
three ways to treat migraine- lifestyle and trigger management, acute treatments and
preventive treatments. Maintaining a headache diary or calendar is recommended. There
are nutraceutical and herbal options also available for the treatment of migraine. Such
therapies have added advantage of negligible adverse effects. Recently, both invasive and
non-invasive methods have gained popularity. Botox injections, targeting of greater
occipital nerve and neurostimulation are some of the newest options. Migraine therapy
through calcitonin gene related peptide is the area where current research is going on. The
future prospects of migraine management are both inspiring as well as demanding. This
article reviews the path physiology, diagnosis and current treatments options for
management of migraine