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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-7 | Issue-03
Evaluation of Anti Diabetic Activity (In-vitro) of Psidium guajava Unripe Fruits Aqueous Extract
A. Narayana Rao, Donthu Susmitha, Gurajala Lalitha, Mandhalapu Sesha Pavani, Shaik Yakoob, Velpula Sai Tejaswini, Tanuku Satyanarayana
Published: March 30, 2018 | 252 140
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2018.7.3.9
Pages: 164-170
Diabetes Mellitus is a major endocrine disorder caused by the failure of the body function properly carbohydrate metabolism as well as changes in lipid and protein metabolism, thus contributing to hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar levels above normal), glycosuria (the presence of sugar in the urine), polyuria (the need to urinate frequently), polydipsia (always thirsty) and polyphagia (increase appetite). Numerous herbal plants and their formulations are therefore used widely for the various forms of diseases. One well-known herb of this kind is Psidium guajava Linn (Family: Myrtaceae) is a semi deciduous tropical tree commonly known as guava or ‘Amrood’ in north India and is widely grown throughout India. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the Anti diabetic activity (In-vitro) of Psidium guajava unripe fruit aqueous extact. The Evaluation of anti-diabetic activity of extract by In-vitro method by glucose uptake by yeast cells the rate of uptake of glucose into the yeast cells was linear in all the 3 glucose concentrations. The extract of Psidium guajava exhibited significantly activity than the control. However,