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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-7 | Issue-06
A questionnaire Based Study involving health care stakeholders to assess the competence and skills of a professional pharmacist
Shruti Upadhyay, M. Mathur, D.K. Gupta, P. Mathur
Published: June 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2018.7.6.1
Pages: 208-211
A pharmacist is a professional who is dispensed medicine, counsel patient and
advice health care stakeholders on the rational use of medicines. However, there are only
few who approach him for counsel or advice. This could be due to ignorance or doubts in
the mind of the people about the professional competencies, knowledge and skills of the
pharmacists. The study is therefore an attempt to determine the awareness about
pharmacy profession amongst stakeholders. A questionnaire was developed on four
parameters which broadly covers the spectrum of clinical pharmacy services which a
pharmacists is expected to render namely: utilization or underutilization of drug in the
prescription, therapeutic duplication in the prescription, incorrect drug dosage, and drugdrug interactions. An evaluation of the responses of nurses, clinicians, pharmacist, patient
and public were analysed. The results indicate that nurses, clinicians, patient and public
did not agree that a pharmacist could perform the above tasks. The strongest disagreement
was from the clinicians on all aspects. A comparison in between categories reveals that
nurse has lower knowledge and perception as compared to clinician, public and patient.