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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-7 | Issue-06
Green Chemistry Drift: A Review
Garima Singh, Sharad Wakode
Published: June 30, 2018 | 269 156
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2018.7.6.10
Pages: 274-279
The green chemistry mutiny is furnishing an enormous number of challenges to those who practice chemistry in industry, education and research. The genesis of green chemistry recognised as a retort to the need to reduce the damage to the environment by human-made materials and the processes used to produce them. It provides innovative latitudes for upheaval via product substitution, new feedstock generation, catalysis in aqueous media, utilisation of microwaves, and scope for alternative or natural solvents. It is the depiction, buildout, and prosecution of chemical products and processes that prune or eliminate the use and kindling of substances perilous to human health and the environment. The inherent challenge that we face in this new century is the transmutation of a society based on expenditure and controlled only by demand and market zings into a sustainable community based on more realistic needs and natural resources. This article depicts the prologue of some aspects of Green Chemistry and some new Trends &attempts are being made not only to appraise the greenness of a chemical process but also to stand in other variables such as chemical yield, the price of reaction components, safety in handling chemicals, hardware demands, energy profile and ease of product arouse and purification.