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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-7 | Issue-06
The Pharmacognostic Standardization, Phytochemistry and Phytopharmacological Potential of Toona ciliata M- An Overview
Lata Mangesh Bhati, Sakshi Bajaj
Published: June 30, 2018 | 250 135
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2018.7.6.12
Pages: 284-290
Toona ciliata is a plant belongs to a family Meliaceae group of the traditionally important medicinal plant. It is also known as red cedar. The genus Toona (Meliaceae) family consists of the highland trees that are broadly distributed at the higher altitude of India, Nepal, China, Burma, Thailand, Australia. Toona ciliata has been accepted as a source of medicine to treat different disease and ailments including chronic dysentery, blood complaints ulcer, leprosy, fever, headache, cancer, diarrhea and ringworm. Extensive research works have been conducted out on the chemical constituent, biological and pharmacological activities of the Toona ciliata. The pharmacognosy study shows that those leaves are the compound type, 30-50 cm length, shape: lanceolate, apex: acute and having the entire margin. Stomata present in the leaf are the anomocytic type of stomata. These pharmacological activities mainly due to the presence of coumarin, flavanoids, phytosterol, phenol, tannins, triterpenes and anthraquinones.