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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-7 | Issue-07
Phytochemical and Invitro Antiurolithiatic Activity of Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris Mother Tincture
Joshma Joy, Jayachandran TP
Published: July 30, 2018 | 249 152
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2018.7.7.8
Pages: 348-353
A kidney stone, also known as a renal calculus is a solid concretion or crystal aggregation formed in the kidneys from dietary minerals in the urine. Thlaspi Q is homeopathic medicine given for urolithiasis; however the mechanism of action remains unknown. The aim of the study was to determine the phytochemical constituents and invitro antiurolithiatic potential of Thlaspi mother tincture. Preliminary phytochemical screening was performed .Under invitro condition; kidney stone formation was studied using three assays such as nucleation, growth and aggregation. All the three assays were carried out using spectrometric methods .Nucleation rate were studied at 620nm by after mixingsodium oxalate and calcium chloride at 37ᵒC with stirring. The percentage inhibition of the mother tincture was determined on comparing with control. Similarly growth assay and aggregation assay would carry out by using calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals. And the result was compared with standard cystone tablets. Preliminary phytochemical test of Thalaspi Q indicated the presence of flavanoid, carbohydrate, saponins, protein, steroid, phenols etc.