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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-10 | Issue-05
Configurations of implant threads: A Review
Moulyashree, M, Mahantesha, S
Published: May 3, 2023 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2023.v10i05.002
Pages: 86-90
The dental implants are used for replacement of missing teeth, and it’s have been widely used for restore the function, esthetic, speech, and patient confidence. It forms the contact between the implant and the bone. The implant threads are altered to improve the initial contact, primary stability, increase the surface area, and facilitate dissipation of loads at the implant and bone surface. Implant thread design is one of the key factors it determines the primary stability and stress distribution during osseointegration, the threaded implants are reduced both stress on bone and sliding distance between the implant and bone. The primary stability is play a important role in less bone quality, double and triple threaded implant increases the primary stability than single threaded implant, the implant threads distribute mechanical stress equally at bone implant interface, lead to stability of dental implants and less bone resorption and also higher thread profile improve the primary stability, the success or failure of implants depend on the thread designs and quality of bone.