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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-9 | Issue-05
Heparlobatum Carcinomatosum is a Rare Entity not to be ignored
Lahlou Othmane, Rim Adyel, Ben Boubker Rym
Published: May 11, 2023 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2023.v09i05.012
Pages: 440-443
Hepar lobatum carcinomatosum corresponds to a major hepatic dysmorphia on non-cirrhotic liver acquired during the evolution of a carcinoma, most often of mammary origin, metastasized to the liver. It is often associated with portal hypertension. It is the consequence of invasion of portal veins by tumor cells and of a desmoplastic reaction in contact with the tumor. This is a complication with a poor prognosis but which seems to be amenable to early detection and appropriate management. We report the case of two patients followed for multi-metastatic invasive breast carcinoma under palliative chemotherapy and hormonal therapy and whose evolution was marked by the radiological characterization of a pseudo cirrhosis aspect during the radiological evaluation of their response to treatment.