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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-8 | Issue-04
Formulation & Evaluation of Simvastatin Sustained Release Tablets by Using Different Polymers
Lakshman Vinod Kumar V, Lakshmana Rao A, Sai Datri Arige, Padmini O, S.S. Tejaswini O, V. Rajesh P, Vamsi P
Published: April 30, 2019 |
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2019.8.4.9
Pages: 162-168
Purpose: The main objective of present research investigation is to formulate sustained release tablets of Simvastatin
using different polymers. Simvastatin, an anti-hyperlipidemic agent belong BCS class-II agent. Methods: The SR
tablets of Simvastatin were prepared employing different concentrations of HPMCK15M, xanthan gum and carbopol
and tablets are prepared by using direct compression method. Results and discussion: Total six formulations are
designed and evaluated for hardness, friability, thickness, % drug content and In-vitro drug release. From the results it
was concluded that all the formulations are found to be within the pharmacopeia limits and in-vitro dissolution profiles
of all formulation are subjected to different kinetic models, the statistical parameters like slope intercept and regression
coefficient were calculated. Conclusion: It was concluded that the polymeric combination of HPMCK15M with
xanthan gum in the ratio 1:1 was able to retarded the release of Simvastatin from the tablets to the24th hour and
showed an ideal release pattern necessary for sustained release tablet.