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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-9 | Issue-05
Problems in the Surgical Management of an Intra-Rectal Foreign Body at the Markala’s Reference Health Center
Kanthé D, Koné O, Samaké B, Samaké Y, Fomba D, Bagayoko T, Dembélé BT
Published: May 16, 2023 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2023.v09i05.018
Pages: 467-469
This is a 20-year-old man admitted for abdominal pain, proctalgia and rectorrhagia of medium abundance that occurred 48 HOURS after voluntary introduction into the rectum of a bottle of Tetracycline 10% for therapeutic purposes. On rectal examination, we noted the lower end of a bottle-type object about 5cm from the anal margin. The ASP did not objectify signs of perforation, on the other hand, she highlighted a bottle-type object of about 6 cm at the level of the upper rectum. A laparotomy was performed to extract it by pushing it back towards the anus without opening the colorectal lumen. Conclusion: The introduction of a foreign body rectally is a rare phenomenon nowadays, especially in developing countries. There is no gender specificity, nor age range. Easy clinical diagnosis, its early management makes it possible to avoid serious complications.