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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-8 | Issue-05
A Review on Marketed Formulations of Anti-Wrinkle Cream and Make an Effective Anti-Wrinkle Cream and Their Standardization
Ravi Mourya, Ratandeep Chauhan
Published: May 24, 2019 |
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2019.8.5.2
Pages: 174-180
Herbal formulations have growing demand in the world market and the plants have been reported in the literature
having good anti-microbial, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. In this study cream was formulated based on
the anti-oxidant potential of herbal extracts and its evaluation. The cream was formulated with Licorice oil, Cinnamon
oil, of different concentrations namely F1, F2, F3. The cream was stable during stability studies according to ICH
guidelines 30±2 0C/50±5% RH and 40±2 0C/75±5% RH for two months. The evaluations of all formulations were
done on different parameters like pH, spreadability, stability etc. Formulations F2 and F3 showed good spreadability,
good consistency, and homogeneity with good appearance, pH, and no evidence of phase separation and ease of
removal. The formulation F2 and F3 shows no redness, edema, inflammation and irritation to the skin during irritancy
studies. These studies suggest that the composition of extracts and base of cream of F3 is more stable and safe, it may
produce synergistic action. It can be concluded that herbal cream without side effects having anti-oxidant property can
be used as provision of a barrier to protect the skin and avoid aging of the skin.