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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-8 | Issue-05
Role of Stress in Development of Cardiovascular Diseases
Indu Yadav, Sharad Wakode, Shaik Khasimbi
Published: May 28, 2019 |
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2019.8.5.7
Pages: 208-218
In the year 2012 total 56 million deaths were recorded globally, out of which NCDs constituted 38 million deaths that
are 67.85 %.CVDs contribute to a major portion of death caused by NCDs. An estimated 17.5 million people died
from CVDs in 2012, representing 31% of all global deaths. Of these deaths, an estimated 7.4 million were due to
coronary heart disease and 6.7 million were due to stroke. According to Million death study CVD are the major cause
of death in INDIA (1.8-2.0 million per year). There are various risk factors associated with CVDs; they can be
classified in to local and systemic factors. Systemic factors are further divided in to modifiable and non modifiable
factors. Modifiable factors consist of physical inactivity, smoking and many others whereas non modifiable factors
consist of gender, age and genetic predisposition. The main objective of this research survey was to establish role of
stress in development of CVDs and to make people about stress and its relationship with CVDs and other diseases.
There are many factors which are associated with development of cardiovascular disease and stress is one of them,
stress is both harmful and useful for the body as small amount of stress is also necessary to maintain consciousness of
an individual. If stress level is increased and if remains for a long duration it may cause affect to various body organs
like brain, kidney, GIT system (stomach ulcers), thinking and memory problems, sleep disorders and which may even
lead to death. In this research survey a questionnaire of 13 questions was used to collect data from population of 120
people out of which 103 people’s data was screened out and analyzed, it consist of both male and female and people
of different age group and occupation. In results it was found that most of the population knows the meaning of stress,
but very less follow any kind of physical activity on the daily basis