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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-9 | Issue-05
Evaluation of the quality of prenatal consultation at the Community Health Center of Ber in the Health District of Tombouctou
Kanthé D, Koné O, Samaké Y, Cissé K, Fomba D, Giani S, Dembélé BT, Togo P
Published: May 18, 2023 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2023.v09i05.019
Pages: 470-473
The aim was to evaluate the quality of the prenatal consultation at the Community Health Center of Ber, in the Health District of Tombouctou. Patients and Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study with analytical aim including an observational flight, a quantitative component with exhaustive sampling and a qualitative component following a reasoned non-probabilistic sampling involving 347 pregnant women and which took place over 45 days from November 15 to December 31, 2019 at the Ber CSCom in the Tombouctou Health District. Results: The age group was between 24 and 33 years old with 48.4%. The majority of users of SR services and care consulted for a CPN1 with 70%. 58.8% had a history of multiparty. Only 12.4% of the pregnancies monitored were identifiedas at risk. 0.6% of the users presented danger signs. The majority of users received a MILD with a rate of 65.4%.The qualitative study allowed us to know the knowledge, attitudes and practices of mothers, grandmothers, women leaders, ATR and men on CPN. The observational study allowed us to evaluate the reception, the quality of the care, the profile of the staff and the availability of medicines, the caregiver-caregiver relationship. Conclusion: The performance of the CPN services at the Ber CSCom was judged satisfactory according to the rating parameters used in the present study. It should be optimal to allow all pregnant women and users to benefit from it.