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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-8 | Issue-05
The Effect of Fast Foods on Health and Associated Problems
Pankaj Singh, Indu Yadav
Published: May 30, 2019 | 237 120
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2019.8.5.13
Pages: 263-275
Fast food in convenient and easy to prepare food and contains low nutritious and unhealthy ingredient. This paper is focused on the effect of fast food on health and associated problems on people from a specified area. Questionnaire had utilized as a data collection instrument. SPSS had used for tabulation and graphs and other parametric and nonparametric tests. Result showed that youngsters spend more money on fast food because of taste and showoff also. People prefer fast food at their workplace and student prefer at schools and colleges due to their busy schedules. In this research mostly females takes part and total 58.7% are females and 41.3% are males. Among all 150 people 42.7% people from the age group of 20-35 years olds are more interested in taking of fast food. 46.7% people of total population are used to of fast food from more than 10 years and mostly prefer pizza; momo’s and noodles as fast food. Females are more conscious about the health, weight monitoring, and also aware about the nutritional value of the fast food. Obesity and liver disease are most common and prone to those people who are consuming fast food. Work out like walking, cycling and gym reduce the effect of unhealthy food and monitoring of weight also helps to maintain the effect of fast food on health. Female are more prone towards piles and liver disease and male towards obesity. Among all the people included in research age group of 20-35 are more aware about disease caused by fast food and ingredient of fast food. 68.7% people are used to of working out daily by different mediums and it should be suggested that there is a need to focus on nutrition counseling to facilitate the intake of healthy foods.