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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-7 | Issue-02
Mesenteric Lymphangioma with Counterclockwise Barberpole Sign-A Case Report
Sanjay M Khaladkar, Shibani Saluja, Radhika K. Jaipuria
Published: Feb. 16, 2019 | 283 222
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2019.v07i02.003
Pages: 109-113
Lymphangioma is a congenital malformation of lymphatic vessel. Commonly lymphangiomas are seen in the neck and axilla (95%). Rarely (5%) they occur in the mediastinum and abdomen in the mesentery and retroperitoneum. Mesenteric lymphangioma may be associated with counter clockwise barber pole sign on MDCT. It may be associated with volvulus and rarely associated with malrotation of the gut or normal variant. We report a case of mesenteric lymphangioma in a 3 year old female patient with counterclockwise barberpole sign with partial malrotationof small bowel.