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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-8 | Issue-07
Phytochemical Studies of Aqueous and Methanol Extracts of Carica Papaya Leaves
Laila M Abdelrahim, Zetty NM Zain, Siti NS Abdul Jalil, Zahidah Abu Seman, Fadlul AF M, Noradilah S Abdullah
Published: July 18, 2019 |
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2019.8.7.3
Pages: 334-339
The Carica papaya plant has been shown to be useful in a wide range of therapeutic use from anthelmintic effect of its
latex to the aphrodisiac property of its root. Carica papaya leaves (CPL) is a popular remedy to treat dengue-induced
thrombocytopaenia. This study was designed to explore the preliminary phytochemical analysis of CPL aqueous and
methanol extracts. In this study flavonoids and phenolics were characterized by LC - TOF- MS, in which 19
compounds were detected in aqueous extract and 24 compounds were detected in methanol extract. This
knowledge may help us devise better formulations to develop CPL into useful therapeutic agents for the management
of thrombocytopaenia related disorders