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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-8 | Issue-07
Arthritis: A General Perception on the Prevalence of the Disease in Indian Population
Poorva Satija, Pankaj Chakravorty, Sakshi Bajaj, Faraat Ali
Published: July 30, 2019 | 257 147
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2019.8.7.5
Pages: 345-349
Arthritis is a chronic systemic inflammatory disorder which leads to joint pain, inflammation, functional deformities, and plummets life expectancy. Arthritis can cause permanent joint changes. The worldwide incidence of all geographic and ethnic variations of these diseases is 1%.The prevalence of JA was assumed to be around 1.25 per 1000 children. JA tends to persist well into adulthood with 41% of patients in their study showing persistent tender and swollen joints at a median 16.5 years after diagnosis. The overall prevalence of RA in India was found to be more than 1%. In case of psoriatic arthritisthe ratio of male to female (3:1) was very high. Highest incidence was noted in the age group of 20- 39 years and the males are more susceptible than females.80% of the Indian population who shows knee and joint pains are suffering from OA. With highest demographic dividend it is sure that in the next decade Indian youths will be every nooks and corner of the world as the manpower and the work force. It is high time that Indians should change their life style and practice healthy habits.