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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-8 | Issue-07
Evaluation of Anti-Leukemic Activity of Allium Sativum and Vitis Vinifera for Synergistic Action on Benzene-Induced Acute Leukemia on Male Sprague-Dawley (SD) Rats
Makka Sai Kumar, Makka Syamala Rao, Makka Sunetha, Eswar Tony D, Chinnarao V, Rao A.Y, Anji Reddy R
Published: July 30, 2019 |
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2019.8.7.7
Pages: 357-364
Acute leukemia is a cancer of blood cells that characteristically comes suddenly and if not treated, progresses quickly.
In acute leukemia, the leukemic cells do not mature properly at a normal time but rapid development of blast cells was
observed. The aim of the present study is evaluation of anti-leukemic activity of Allium sativum and Vitis vinifera for
synergistic action on benzene induced acute leukemia on sprague-dawley (SD) rats. The commercial garlic bulbs
(Allium sativum) and grape fruits (Vitis vinifera) are collected, Authenticated and extracted separately with n-hexane
and distilled water. The both extracts of garlic and grapes were studied for acute oral toxicity as per revised
organization for economic cooperation and development guide lines number 423. Leukemia was successfully induced
in SD rats by intravenous injection of benzene. The base line and post analytical blood samples was collected and
analyzed for hematological parameters.The outcomes of hematological parameters in various experimental groups of
murine model demonstrated anti leukemic effect of both plant extracts. The combination of these two plant extracts
shows better efficacy then individual extracts but not more than or equal to standard drug that is 5- fluorouracil (15
mg/kg).The both extracts of garlic and grapes are ability to promote the phagocytosis of leukemic blast cells and then
reduce the acute leukemia growth. It demonstrated anti leukemic potential that might be due to the presence of
alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, Poly phenolics, and flavonoids in both plant extracts