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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-4 | Issue-10
Hepatitis B Virus, an Oncogenic and Mutagenic Virus Emerging More Advanced Vaccines and Treatments in the Future: Updates and Perspectives
Mutabazi Francois, Tang Luhong
Published: Oct. 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.21276/sasjm.2018.4.10.3
Pages: 156-170
Hepatitis B was recognized as infectious disease dating many years ago in
human history but its etiology was recently identified, the first discoveries reported a
serum protein called Australia antigen which was lately recognized as hepatitis B virus
(HBV) surface antigen (HBsAg) and the clinical detection of HBsAg was the first steps
allowing the first screening of a strangely infected blood donors for an infectious and
dangerous pathogen transmissible to some blood recipients. The development of
modern and advanced virus diagnostic tools with high sensitive radio immune assays
directed to the deep clinical identification of viral infection markers whereas successful
cloning and sequencing of HBV genome allowed the understanding of HBV life cycle,
and guided the development of efficient antiviral vaccines and drugs up to nowadays
where HBV vaccine was the first vaccine in effective use to be synthesized by genome
editing technology. Unfortunately, some current problems such as inaccuracy of
recognition of occult HBV infections, the viral potential reactivation, lack of complete
protection against mutants and heterologous HBV genotypes by HBV vaccines and
therapeutic drugs, and the inability to achieve a complete cure of chronic HBV
infections, and its association with hepatocellular carcinoma are still unescapable
worldwide health problems.