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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-8 | Issue-08
To Study the Drug Resistance by using the inhA Promoter in Clinical Isolates for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Cases
Anjali Rana, Yusra Ahmad, Narotam Sharma, Satish Chandra Nautiyal
Published: Aug. 21, 2019 |
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2019.8.8.5
Pages: 416-420
Tuberculosis is the most significant infectious disease it is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). Bacteria that
cause tuberculosis can develop resistance to antimicrobial medicines used to cure the disease. There is a multi-drug
resistant tuberculosis TB that does not respond to at least Isoniazid and rifampicin, the two most powerful anti-TB
drugs. Isoniazid Resistance Tuberculosis (IRTB) in M.tuberculosis is related to loss of catalase and peroxide (CP)
activity in TB resistant strains. In other word, INH resistance often happens with the loss and/or decrease of CP or katG
activity coded by katG gene. In fact, INH is a prodrug for which cellular activation is required by katG protein, before
it’s have toxic effect on bacillus. The pulmonary and extra-pulmonary samples were collected from patients for the
detection of MTB and the MTB positive samples were undertaken into pre-amplification area for master mix
preparation by using forward primer 5’-GTGCCCGACCAACACCCACCATTACAGAAAC-3’ and reverse primer 5’
TAAGCGCACGTCGAACCTGTCGA-3’. Subsequently sample were taken to thermal cycler PCR (polymerase Chain
Reaction) was used as a tool for detecting mycobacterium mpb64 gene and katG gene in suspected TB patients and for
the analyzing of amplicons used Electronic UV trans-illuminator system in which katG gene was targeted at 2223 base
pair to determine if sample is positive for Isoniazid resistance.