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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-8 | Issue-08
Epilobium Hirsutum L and Malva Neglecta L. Propylene Glycol Extracts for Cosmetic Use; Chemical Composition, Microbiological Stability and Diffusion Aspects
Lucia PIRVU, Bujor ALBU, Sultana Nita, Fawzia Sha’AT, Ramona PAVALOIU, Cristina Bazdoaca, Adela Staras, Bianca Tihauan, Crina Maria Kamerzan, Alina Perisoara
Published: Aug. 21, 2019 | 252 142
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2019.8.8.7
Pages: 424-432
Plant derived products provide numerous beneficial effects on the human skin; for example, the moisturizing effect, the capacity of stimulation of collagen and elastin synthesis, strengthening of micro-circulation and skin immunity, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effect, as well as certain antioxidant effect due to the capacity to counteract the free radicals produced by aging, pollution and solar radiation. However, bio-availability and the ability of the plant derived products to penetrate the epidermis layers are two aspects that need to be better studied. Diffusion studies and data regarding microbiological stability of the plant derived products of cosmetic use also are of great utility, as these can result in more effective formulations, and can reduce the number of preservatives, surfactants and other potential allergenic ingredients, thus obtaining in more safe cosmetic products. The present work provides chemical composition, microbiological and diffusion data for two standardized (50%,v/v) propylene glycol extracts for cosmetic use isolated from Epilobium hirsutum L. and, respectively, Malva neglecta L. plant species, and offer recommendation on their use in the design and development of more active dermato-cosmetic purpose products.